Our company main production various type porcelain lampholeder,porcelain socket,porcelain fuse unite,porcelain knife switch etc. We are a new product manufactural company,consisting of many hi-tech industries,is located in MinQing county has abundant porcelain clay resource.People from MinQing are widely regarded as a leading group by the profession at China and abroad.We would like to put out our friendly hands to welcome you and tell our clients:reputation derives from service.Service comes from technology.We neither treat unfairly our orders nor our reputation.The promises become a motivated source of improvement,innovation,you will feel security and trustfulness after cooperating with us. Company: FuJian MinQing ChenSang Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd Adrress: Meixi MinQing,FuJian China Tel: 0086 591 88839030 Email: mqcs2008@yahoo.cn Web: http://www.chensangdc.com


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